
I am a science communicator and

multimedia storyteller in Anchorage, Alaska.

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Only if we understand, will we care.

Only if we care, will we help.

Only if we help shall all be saved.”

- Jane Goodall







New coronavirus variants explained (Grace Rodgers//Medill Reports)

Trump warns the Green New Deal will ‘take out the cows.’ Here’s the science showing why that’s a myth. (Grace Rodgers//Medill Reports)

Superconductor experts at Fermilab lead efforts to build revolutionary quantum computers (Grace Rodgers//Medill Reports)

A new glacial chronology lays the groundwork for understanding how modern ice sheets respond to climate change (Grace Rodgers//Medill Reports)
Defenders: A Day in the Life - California Congressional Meetings (Grace Rodgers//Defenders of Wildlife)
Defenders: Day in the Life - Save the Vaquita Rally (Grace Rodgers//Defenders of Wildlife)
Defenders: A Day in the Life - Laurel Dace Restoration (Grace Rodgers//Defenders of Wildlife)
Defenders: A Day in the Life - Chuckwalla Bench Aviation Tour (Grace Rodgers//Defenders of Wildlife)